| 1. | Some pomade will be helpful to your dry hair 擦些润发脂对您干燥的头发有益。 |
| 2. | After washing , dry hair thoroughly with hair dryer 洗乾净头发之后要用电风筒彻底吹乾 |
| 3. | Apply satinique advanced water styling gel evenly throughout towel - dried hair 在抹乾的湿发上均匀地涂上仙姬清爽造型喱。 |
| 4. | For fine hair apply mousse or volumizing spray . to damp or dry hair before setting 干性发质请使用发胶,或是发蜡,请不要使用定型喷雾。 |
| 5. | Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely , too little sebum makes dry hair 油脂含量过多会导致油性发质,相反,油脂含量过少则会导致干性发质。 |
| 6. | Eating omega fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel will help moisturise dry hair 吃些含油多的鱼类如青花鱼中所含有的脂肪酸将有助于干燥的头发增进湿度。 |
| 7. | Operatiom method : smear over directly on your 80 percent dry hair , thus receiving a satisfying effect of curling and elasticity 用法:取适量均匀涂于八成干的头发上,即可收到满意的卷曲和弹力效果。 |
| 8. | Designed specially for dry hair this rose shampoo is infused with rose hips , aloe and the herbal complex of arnica , horsetail , coltsfoot , sage & chamomile 专为乾旱头发设计的有机洗头水,采用玫瑰果籽、芦荟和山金车、木贼、蒿属植物和甘菊。 |
| 9. | Apply satinique advanced hair control foam to towel - dried hair , making sure the mousse is worked right through , from roots to ends , and evenly distributed all over the hair 在抹乾的湿发上涂上仙姬自然造型香? ,注意将造型香?由发根涂至发尾,均匀涂抹在所有发丝上。 |
| 10. | Puts moisture back into over - worked hair . gently cleanses chemically treated and / or dry hair , while improving the hair ' s overall condition and manageability 纯净感受:让弹性疲乏过度受损的头发恢复水份,柔和的洗净化学性受损或乾燥脆弱发质,逐渐调整恢复发质与易于平日好梳理。 |